




Call for Prizes | Find the Most Beautiful Kindergarten - Share Beauty and Pass on Love



Campus aesthetic education is the creation of a variety of aesthetic education situation conditions,
Guide students to discover beauty, appreciate beauty, and love beauty,
Pursue beauty and create beauty。

Activity theme

Find the most beautiful kindergarten

Campus aesthetic education penetrates into all aspects of children's life and growth. By designing educational "environmental stimuli" to stimulate children's intrinsic motivation and help children's behavior choices and behavior adjustment in life and learning scenarios.


How to apply and materials

How to sign up

Please contact the local service provider or sales manager of #37329;年会体育

Awards arrangement

Participation Award

Sign up to get a mysterious blind box worth 150 yuan!


50 participating gardens will receive 2,000 yuan worth of blind box rewards!

Ultimate Prize

First Prize (1)

70,000 yuan worth of kindergarten equipment, kindergarten promotional video

Second Prize (2)

50,000 yuan worth of kindergarten equipment, kindergarten promotional video

Third Prize (3)

20,000 yuan worth of kindergarten equipment


Event time: May-July 2022

  • Sign up for participation
  • Announcement of audition results
  • Vote online
  • Final Results Selection
  • Ranking announced
  • Reward distribution

We look forward to your enthusiastic participation in exploring the beautiful kindergarten environment together!

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