


What are the advantages of #37329;年会体育 ash furniture?

High-quality ash wood imported from North America is selected for the Hekilun ash wood series. Ash wood that has experienced more than 60 years of long growth can only be used to make furniture. Compared with similar woods, it has high strength, good elasticity and high impact toughness.


What are the characteristics of red cedar as a furniture material?

Red cedar is a fine-grained and smooth wood. Its core material is reddish-brown, contains natural extracts, has excellent stability, has a long service life and is not easily deformed. It is a high-quality natural preservative wood.


Furniture maintenance precautions

The surface of solid wood furniture is coated with paint, and it is particularly important to maintain and maintain the paint film. Once the paint film is damaged, it will not only affect the appearance of the surface, but also further affect the internal structure of the product.


What is Kindergarten Micro Terrain? What is the point of micro-topography?

The kindergarten's micro-topography is artificially transformed to simulate the ecological environment and terrain rhythm of nature in a limited space, so that the convex terrain, the concave terrain and the flat land are interspersed in an orderly manner, forming a dynamic streamline space and "" "Living Terrain"


What aspects should be paid attention to in the design of kindergarten desks and chairs?

As the most frequently used indoor furniture for children, kindergarten desks and chairs should also have a more comprehensive design. So, what aspects will be controlled at the beginning of the design of kindergarten desks and chairs?


How can kindergarten solid wood bookcases be maintained?

Solid wood bookcases are very important in kindergarten solid wood furniture. In the process of kindergarten environmental creation, the appearance rate of bookcases is quite high.


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